© 2022/25 by HelenzArt2021. Helen Williams
HelenzArt 2021
Lithical Travels
I have a deep regard and awe for the Standing stones that mark the landscape, whether singly or in groups, rows and circles. A reminder of how our ancestors shaped not only the landscape of the countryside but their inner landscape of being too. Seeking connections and understandings through places of significance by ritual. Searching for insight and spirit. Ways to measure the skies and the events therein. Seeking concepts to describe what simply is. Perhaps these were even erected as a more permanent replacement to the sacred groves of trees that were hewn to cater for survival needs. That slippery slope to disconnect ones nature from the natural. For me these stones act as a way to focus on past or future. To allow a far seeing of my own depths of connection to my own nature. To discover the balance that can be found by being true to my innate nature. A calmness in solitude and acceptance.
This painting is currently on display on line in the D31 Gallery Doncaster. 25th April to 17th June
In the Aether to Easel 'Spring Exhibition' 5th Feb to 4th May. Available for purchase through them.
In The Aether to Easel on line 'Spring Exhibition' 5th Feb to 4th May. Available to purchase through them