© 2022/25 by HelenzArt2021. Helen Williams
HelenzArt 2021
Whats happening
A Happy New Year
It's been a long while since I made the effort to work with this website. I have excuses, I can always find something, but in essence I just haven't felt like doing it. After awhile it begins to feel harder to make the effort, perhaps thinking that it will take too long to bring it back to what I envision it to be! That I haven't got that amount of time to do it. Yet that isn't really true for me. the day to day of chores and cleaning don't take long. The garden is still in dormant mode and the ground is so wet it's not workable at the moment.
So, I have been in dormant mode too, not stuck, simply resting. Garnering some visions on how I would like to progress this year. Where to place my energies into growing as an artist and soul centered human.
Last year I thought would be the year to grow this site. To bring an energy into it that would enhance my own experiences and perhaps you, the visitor, would enjoy it too. Now that I am sat here working, I feel even more engaged and excited for what may arise this year.
Within that excitement is having been accepted in a couple of local, open, exhibitions. one in Garstang and one in Blackburn. The Blackburn one was my first physical hand in for submission. Usually its done by a digital submission process and if accepted then to deliver. I was quite nervous handing it over, perhaps wondering if they would hand it straight back and say 'oh, no, not suitable at all'. i guess thats the vulnerability of putting oneself on canvas! Still it was accepted, and my hubby and I went to the opening. Lots of amazing work on show, as well as the other exhibits in the Museum and galleries. I even took the chance of asking the person who had paused at mine what they thought of it, which lead to an interesting conversation. That's what I find I enjoy, is the personal interactions. Perhaps that's why I ask people to contact me if they want to buy a piece of my work from here.
Current Venues.
Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery. Blackburn
Garstang. Old school. Garstang.
Goose Green Art Gallery Altrincham
Badger in the Wall Gallery. Clapham. N. Yorkshire
Looking for something else
Laura Rainbow is a Zagreb based ceramicist, creating unique, hand built, hand glazed and alternatively fired ceramics. Notably her 'Birds of Happiness' which are mainly 'Raku' fired. She also opens her studio to students and experiences.
Click on her logo and link to her web site. www.arcus.hr Instagram @artstudiolaurarainbow
Rebecca Findlay is a U.K. based pet portrait artist as well as an advocate for endangered species. find her on www.rebeccafindlay.com Instagram @rebeccafindlayart
Nik Courtney is a U.K. based portrait artist, creating sensitive portraits with paint and squiggles.
www.nikcourtney.co.uk Instagram @nikcourtney.portraitartist
Christine Bintcliff creates images in mixed media which is inspired by music.
https://stardustacrylicart.com Instagram @stardustacrylicart